Southern Cryonics

The first cryonics facility in the Southern Hemisphere, officially opened March 2024

Cryonics is the best option left when medicine can no longer help.  Cryonics patients are stored at very low temperature until medical science advances enough to be able to heal them, and revive them to a healthy young body.

For a typical person the cost through life insurance is $1 to $2 a day.

Steps in joining

  1. Become a subscriber/associate member of Southern Cryonics.  This is a cost of $350 / year. 
  2. Complete the agreements for future suspension.  The cost of a suspension is $150,000. Organize life insurance or other payment methods to cover this.  We will assist with all these requirements.
  3. Organize standby, stabilization and transportation (SST) typically through CryoPath, but you may use the organization of your choice.  If done through CryoPath, the cost is $30,000 to $60,000. This is in addition to the $150,000 for Southern Cryonics, but can be covered by life insurance.

Our most popular video

Southern Cryonics Facility renderingArchitect's concept rendering of the Southern Cryonics facility - construction was finished in 2020 with stage 1, the warehouse section. This will be a fully functional cryonics facility. The front office part (stage 2) can be added at a later stage and is not critical to the operation. Opening was delayed until early 2023 due to Covid impacts.

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Contact Details

P.O. Box 3253, Sydney NSW 2001
Phone :
0450 653 827

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